Posted 3 months ago

City of Marysville

Senior Traffic Control Systems Technician

Salary: $42.83 – $52.16 hourly


 *Previous traffic signal experience not required.  Electrical controls/systems experience desirable.

 This position performs work involving the installation, operation, maintenance, inspection and repair of traffic signal and street lighting installations and other traffic control devices recognized by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and has the ability to perform journey level electrical work in the design, inspection, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems and equipment in municipal buildings and facilities.

This is the advanced level position in the traffic systems control technician job series.  Positions in this class perform the more complex and specialized tasks in support of the city’s traffic signal and street lighting systems and electrical systems in municipal buildings and facilities.  Work is performed within established procedures; however, incumbents complete tasks independently and apply established guidelines and alternatives to make judgments and decisions.


A combination of the experience, education, and training listed below which provides an equivalent background to perform the work of this position.


  • Two years’ experience performing a variety of the essential duties of the position.
  • Experience with Type 170 and/or Type 2070 traffic signal controllers and cabinets is preferred.

Education and Training:

  • High school diploma or GED is required.
  • Two years of coursework in electrical installation, maintenance, and repair, and electronics.

Licenses or Certificates:

  • Must possess, or have the ability to possess within one month of hire date, a Washington State Driver’s License.
  • Must possess, or have the ability to possess within six months of hire date:
    1. Washington State General Journey Level Electrician (EL01) license
    2. Level I certification by the International Municipal Signal Association as a traffic signal technician/electrician.
    3. first aid and CPR certifications
    4. flagger certification
  • Must possess, or have the ability to possess within one year of hire date, Level II certification by the International Municipal Signal Association as a traffic signal technician/electrician.

To apply submit application and resume:


Job Features

Job CategoryTraffic Signal, Traffic Systems

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