Auditing Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry.

Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety.

The Auditing Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the financial reporting process, the system of internal controls, and the audit/review process.  The Committee’s role is one of oversight.  IMSA Management is responsible for preparing the Association’s financial statements, and the independent auditors are responsible for auditing or reviewing those financial statements.

Key Responsibilities/Projects: List 3-4 key tasks and projects the group will work on over the next fiscal year. Indicate if the task should be completed this year or is an ongoing project.

1. Ensure the review or audit is completed within three months of the end of each fiscal year. Review with Management and the independent auditors the annual financial statement, the annual audit/review report, and the result of the audit to determine whether to accept the audit/review. The report from the Committee will be sent to all members of the Board immediately after completion of the review or audit.
2. Review significant findings and recommendations made by the independent auditors with Management and the Board on a timely basis.
3. Review the outside auditors’ qualifications, independence, and performance.
4. In conjunction with the Executive Director, consider the effectiveness of the Association’s internal control system, including information technology security and control, to ensure the most efficient operation of the Association and compliance with generally accepted accounting procedures for non-profit organizations. Ongoing Project.
5. Review Investment and Reserve Policies and targets every two years or sooner as needed.
6. Review requests from the Executive Director for draws upon the Investment Reserves along with plans for replenishment and monitor progress to restore the fund to target minimum if required.

Desired Outcome: The outcome would be based off the team/group tasks/projects and what they have completed.
• Ensures the Association submits annual financial statements in accordance with relevant accounting standards, has the internal control systems in place to ensure the integrity of the financial statements, and has appropriate Investment and Reserve Policies.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: the Auditing Committee Chair is responsible for submitting a written report to the IMSA Board of Directors one week prior to the mid-winter meeting. If the Auditing Committee meets additionally during the year the committee is required to submit a written report two weeks after their committee meeting.
• Virtual participation is required for the mid-winter Board Meeting in which the financial statements are presented to the Board.


Group Composition:
• The Auditing Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members.
• One Chair
• Two General Members

Term Length / Limits:
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st
• Chair – One year
• General Member – Two years

Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Financial Specialist

• Zoom

Awards Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Awards Committee is to assist the Board President and the Executive Director with the selection of all IMSA award recipients.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. The Awards Committee reviews all award submissions and selects the award recipients.
2. Assists with promoting awards.

Desired Outcome:
• In collaboration with the IMSA office, the Awards Committee manages the review and selection process for the awards that will be given at the Annual Conference.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• The Awards Committee Chair will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors once a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter meeting. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter meeting.

Group Composition:
• One Chair
• Two General Members

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st–Oct 31st
• Chair – One year
• General Member – Two years

Time Commitment:
• The committee meets virtually twice a year to select the award recipients and meets prior to the annual conference

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• President of the Board of Directors
• Certification Manager

• Zoom

Budget Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Budget Committee is to oversee the allocation of financial resources and monitor the financial condition of the Association, including the recommended budget as submitted by the Executive Director, the reports and recommendations of the Auditing Committee and the Chairmen of other committees. 

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Approve, edit and/or advise recommendations to the submitted budget from the Executive Director.
2. Submit the approved budget to the President of the Board of Directors for Board consideration and approval prior to the end of the current fiscal year. Budget should be submitted on or before October 20th.
3. Officers and Committee Chairs shall submit in writing to the President and the Executive Director at least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Board, any recommendations, or special requests for allowances in the budget for expenditures during the year. Copies of the Board-approved budget shall be forwarded to the Officers for their guidance during the year. Committee Chairmen shall be advised by the Executive Director regarding money, which has been appropriated for Committee work. The Committee shall make recommendations, for Board approval, regarding the amount and control of petty cash accounts for the Executive Director’s office. Such recommendations may also be initiated by the Auditing Committee, the Executive Committee or any Board member. The Committee shall make recommendations regarding the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Reserve Fund; the transfer of Funds from the Reserve Fund to the General Fund; and the purchase of corporate stocks or bonds, U.S. Government bonds or other securities. Such recommendations shall be submitted to the President for presentation to the Board for approval.

Desired Outcome:
• Ensure that a fiscally responsible budget for the financial operations and capital expenditures of the Association is adopted at least 10 days prior to the start of the fiscal year.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Virtual participation required for October Board Meeting at which the budget is presented.

Group Composition:
• The Budget Committee shall consist of all members of the Board, the Executive Director and a General Member from the Auditing Committee, with the President of the Board serving as Chairman.
• Chair –President of the Board of Directors
• Executive Director
• General Member of the Auditing Committee
• All members of the Board of Directors

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st–Oct 31st
• Chair – One year

Time Commitment:
• The Budget Committee meets virtually once a year in October. The General Member from the Auditing Committee will be provided the quarterly budget/actual results and given the opportunity to join board meetings as it relates to the budget.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• President of the Board of Directors

• Zoom

By-Laws Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the By-Laws & Resolution Committee is to review all submitted proposals for any amendments to the By-Laws and make recommendations regarding actions to be taken by the Board and Council of Delegates.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Review submitted amendment proposals from Active Members and sections from the Association regarding intent, legality, phraseology, and form, and make recommendations regarding actions to be taken by the Board and Council of Delegates.
2. Approved amendments related to the Association policy, rules of procedure, control or continuation of any general action of the Board, Council of Delegates, Officers or Committees, will be submitted to each Board and Council of Delegate member in advance.
3. Prepare and present to the Board and Council of Delegates such amendments to the By-Laws as deemed appropriate and necessary.
4. Consult with the IMSA legal counsel with reference to any legal or technical questions the Committee may be confronted with in its deliberations.

Desired Outcome:
• The By-Laws & Resolution Committee will review and submit all amendments made to the International IMSA By-Laws for Board and Council of Delegates review. The Committee may also serve as a resource to the IMSA Sections to assist with Section By-Laws review if needed to ensure compliance with international requirements.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition:
• At least one member of this Committee shall be a member of the Board of Directors.
• One Chair
• Two General Members – (One member would be the Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors)

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st–Oct 31st
• Chair–One year
• Two General Members –Two years

Time Commitment:
• The committee would meet virtually on an as needed basis

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director

• Zoom

Cable Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Cable Committee, in cooperation with cable and wire manufacturers will annually review the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications for purposes of recommending any revisions, additions or deletions to the IMSA Specifications.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Annually review IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications
2. Make recommendations, revisions, additions, or deletions to the IMSA specifications.
3. Stay abreast of the latest procedures relate to cable, wire, insulation, and related materials together with grounding and bounding procedures in public safety signal systems. Work with IMSA office on educating Association members on latest procedures.

Desired Outcome:
• Review the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications for the purpose of recommending revisions, additions and/or deletions to the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition:
• One Chair
• Two General Members – (One member would be the Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors)

Length /Limits:
•Nov 1st–Oct 31st
•Chair – One year
•Two General Members – Two years

Time Commitment:
• Committee will meet on an as needed basis to research current cable and wire standards and determine if the IMSA Cable Committee is still relevant to the mission and vision of the Association and the Industry.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Board of Directors President

• Zoom

Canadian Certification Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry.

Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education and certification for public safety.

The purpose of the Canadian Certification Committee is to recommend Canadian subject content for the development and revision of the IMSA
training and/or certification courses.

Key Responsibilities/Projects: List 3-4 key tasks and projects the group will work on over the next fiscal year. Indicate if the task should be completed this year or is ongoing project.

  1. Responsible for making recommendations to the Educational Advisory Council (EAC) regarding Canadian policy and procedures to be followed by those conducting training and/or certification programs related to the seven primary technical areas: Work Zone, Traffic Signal, Signs and Markings, Roadway Lighting, Fire Alarm, Fiber Optics and Transportation Center.
  2. Responsible for recommending Canadian requirements, establishing qualifications, reviewing course materials, including exams, and
    furthering the concept of certification through training in all areas of IMSA activity.
  3. Submit recommendations to the EAC for updating the IMSA CPPM (Certification Policies and Procedures Manual) as needed.
  4.  Review Canadian programs and suggest additions, deletions or revisions of programs.
  5. Recommend to the EAC Canadian policy or administrative changes as necessary with certification structure.
  6.  Establish work groups as necessary.

Desired Outcome: (The outcome would be based off theteam/group tasks/projects and what they have completed.)

  • The Canadian Certification Committee will collect and provide information to the EAC pertaining to Canadian public safety training and/or certification programs for government agencies, Section Certification Chairs, Specialty Chair(s) and/or sponsoring organization(s).

Leadership Responsibilities:

  • Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
  • Virtual participation may be required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Ontario Representative
  •  Canadian Prairie Representative
  • Atlantic Representative
  • British Columbia Representative

Term Length:

  • 11/1 – 10/31
  • Chair – One year
  • Vice Chair –One year
  • Reginal Representatives – One year

Time Commitment: (Weekly, Monthly)

  • Minimum of one meeting a month for one hour.
  • Attend EAC meetings twice a month. Preferred not required.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:

  • Education and Certification Director
  • EAC Chair


  •  Zoom

Code of Conduct Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Code of Conduct Committee is to administer the procedures of the Code of Conduct Policy on behalf of the Board of Directors.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Ensure all members of the Board of Directors, IMSA Committees, Tasks forces, and other IMSA governance structures including Section Officers and Committee members abide by and conform to the Code of Conduct.
2. Review all complaints, allegations, inquiries, or submissions involving a potential violation of the Code of Conduct.
3. Take appropriate action on all complaints, allegations, inquiries, or submissions involving a potential violation of the Code of Conduct and follow up with the person who submitted complaint notifying them of action taken.

Desired Outcome:
• Review the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications for the purpose of recommending revisions, additions and/or deletions to the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition:
• Chaired by the Bylaws Chair and also includes the Association’s Immediate Past President and the Past President. The sitting President shall be a nonvoting member of the Committee and only vote in the case of a recusal by one of the three committee members.
• Chair – Bylaws Chair
• General Members – Immediate Past President and Past President
• Nonvoting Member –Current President

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st–Oct 31st
• One year

Time Commitment:
• Committee meets on an as needed basis for when complaints are filed.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director

• Zoom

Conference Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Conference Committee is to provide guidance and insight to the International Staff around training, education and certification as needed to plan and execute the annual conference.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Research possible sites for future annual IMSA Forum and Expo.
2. Offer insight and guidance around continuing education credits, networking and relationship building opportunities as well as assist in moderator acquisition for certification classes for public safety professionals.
3. Coordinate onsite volunteers from local Section to assist IMSA staff in conference management.

Desired Outcome:
• The Conference Committee will focus on achieving specific goals related to the annual conference and volunteer engagement.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Conference Committee Chair will report to the Board of Directors once a year at the Annual Forum and Expo.
• The report will be submitted during the annualmeeting. The report shouldbesubmitted two weeks prior to the start of theboard meeting.
• Virtual participation required for annual meeting.

Group Composition:
• The Conference Committee shall consist of a minimum of the Executive Director, the President of the Sustaining Members Section and the IMSA President. The Executive Director shall serve as Conference Manager and Chair of the Conference Committee of the Association and shall be responsible for the planning, directing, and managing of the Annual Forum and Expo.
• Executive Director–Conference Manager & Chair
• Board President
• Sustaining Section President
• Conference Host –Active member appointed by ED approved by Board of Director President
• Director of Membership and Marketing

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st–Oct 31st
• One year

Time Commitment:
• Biannually for site selection
• Conference Committee will meet three times a year beginning six months out from the annual conference.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Director of Membership and Marketing

• Zoom

Council of Delegates Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Council of Delegates is to represent IMSA members on the international level. The Council of Delegates represents the Section Voting Members of each IMSA Section. Each Section will elect a delegate and alternate delegate to serve on the COD. When convened, the Council of Delegates shall exercise all powers, rights, and privileges of the Voting Members. The Council of Delegates shall convene at least once every year in conjunction with the IMSA Annual Meeting and is charged with developing a strategic plan. The Council shall share opinions on subjects of common interest to all components of IMSA and suggest technical topics for the next year’s Annual Meeting. The Council of Delegates also elects the four (4) Directors-at-Large to the Board of Directors from among those individuals nominated by the Nominating Committee.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Develop three-year strategic plan and suggest technical topics for the Annual Meeting.
2. Elects the four (4) Directors at large to the Board of Directors from among those individuals nominated by the Nominating Committee.
3. Annually elect the Council of Delegates Chair Elect.

Desired Outcome:
• The Council of Delegates will develop a three-year strategic plan and share common interests to all components of IMSA and suggest technical topics for the Annual Meeting. The COD will also elect the Directors-at-large to the International Board of Directors and perform other duties as noted in the IMSA bylaws

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition:
• Chair
• Vice Chair
• One COD Delegate per Section
• One COD Alternate Delegate per Section

Length /Limits:
• Chair – One year upon succession
• Vice Chair – Two years upon election
• Delegate – Two years upon election
• Alternate Delegate – Two years upon election

Time Commitment:
• The Council of Delegates shall convene at least once every year in conjunction with the IMSA Annual Meeting.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Board of Directors President

• Zoom

Educational Advisory Council Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Council of Delegates is to represent IMSA members on the international level. The Council of Delegates represents the Section Voting Members of each IMSA Section. Each Section will elect a delegate and alternate delegate to serve on the COD. When convened, the Council of Delegates shall exercise all powers, rights, and privileges of the Voting Members. The Council of Delegates shall convene at least once every year in conjunction with the IMSA Annual Meeting and is charged with developing a strategic plan. The Council shall share opinions on subjects of common interest to all components of IMSA and suggest technical topics for the next year’s Annual Meeting. The Council of Delegates also elects the four (4) Directors-at-Large to the Board of Directors from among those individuals nominated by the Nominating Committee.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Responsible for making recommendations to the IMSA Board of Directors regarding policy and procedures to be followed by those conducting training and/or certification programs related to the seven primary technical areas:
a. Work Zone, Traffic Signal, Signs and Markings, Roadway Lighting, Fire Alarm, Fiber Optics and Transportation Center.
2. Responsible for recommending requirements, establishing qualifications, reviewing course materials, including exams, and
furthering the concept of certification through training in all areas of IMSA activity.
3. Maintain and update the IMSA CPPM (Certification Policies and Procedures Manual) as needed.
4. Review programs and suggest additions, deletions, or revisions of programs.
5. Recommend to the IMSA Board of Directors policy or administrative changes as necessary with Certification Structure.
6. Establish work groups as necessary.

Desired Outcome:
• The Educational Advisory Council will collect and provide information pertaining to public safety training and/or certification programs for government agencies, Section Certification Chairs, Specialty Chair(s) and/or sponsoring organization(s).

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting on an as needed basis.

Group Composition:
• Chair
• Four At-Large Members
• Certification Manager
• Specialty Chairs (7)
o Transportation Center
o Fiber Optics
o Fire Alarm
o Roadway Lighting
o Signs and Markings
o Traffic Signal
o Work Zone

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st
• Chair – Two years
• General Member – Three years
• Specialty Chairs – One year

Time Commitment:
• Meets once a week during certification program updates
• Minimum of one meeting a month

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Certification Manager
• President of the Board of Directors

• Zoom

IMSA Representatives Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the IMSA Representatives is to represent IMSA on other associations and government agencies that have similar interests. The actions and policies of these associations and agencies affect the activities of IMSA members through standards and regulations. The IMSA representative speaks on behalf of the Association and its members and reports back to the Board of Directors. For a full list of associations and agencies IMSA appoints representatives please see below under group composition.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Foster and improve relationships within the association or agency the representative is appointed to.
2. Represent IMSA and advocates on behalf of the Association and items that affect and/or pertain to IMSA.
3. Reports back to the Board of Directors on items that impact or are relevant to the work of the Association.

Desired Outcome:
• Foster relationships within the associations and agencies the representative is appointed to and advocate on behalf of IMSA and its interests.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition: External IMSA Representatives include:
• Representative to the America Public Works Association (APWA)
• Representative to the Automatic Fire Alarm Association (AFAA)
• Representative to the America Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA)
• Representative to the Fiber Optics of America (FOA)
• Representative to the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)
• Representative to the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
• Representative to the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
• Representative to the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITSA)
• Representative to the Land Mobile Communication Council (LMCC)
• Representative to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
• Representative to the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD)
• Representative to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
• Representative to the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC)
• Representative to the National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC)
• Representative to the Public Safety Communications Council (PSCC)
• Representative to the SAFECOM •Representative to the Transportation Research Board

Length /Limits:
• Serves from the time he/she accepts an appointment until the time a new appointment is made,or a reappointment is accepted.Serving a maximum of three years.

Time Commitment:
• Meet twice a year

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• President of the Board of Directors

• Zoom

Nominating Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Nominating & Past Presidents Committee is to screen all eligible candidates who will serve on the Board of Directors and who have satisfied the requirements stipulated in the By-Laws and in the Governance Policy Manual. This committee will provide a list of nominees for election.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Screen eligible candidates who will serve on the Board of Directors
2. Provide a list of nominees for election.
3. Assist in the hiring process of the Executive Director as outlined in the Association’s Succession Planning Policy.

Desired Outcome:
• Successfully screen all eligible candidates and provide a list of nominees for Board election.

Group Composition: This committee shall consist of all the Past International Presidents and the Immediate Past International Chair of the Board, with the Committee Chair selected each year by the members of the committee at their annual meeting. The Chair of the Committee shall be an Active Member.
• Chair
• Immediate Past President of the International Board of Directors
• All Past International Board of Directors Presidents

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st–Oct 31st

Time Commitment:
• The Nominating & Past Presidents Committee meet in person the night before the Annual Council of Delegates Meeting at the Forum and Expo.
• Meets virtually six months prior to the Annual Council of Delegates Meeting.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• President of the Board of Directors

• Zoom

Past Presidents Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry.

Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety.

The purpose of the Past Presidents Committee is to provide past International and Section President experience and institutional knowledge to current IMSA Board of Directors and International Staff.

Key Responsibilities/Projects: List 3-4 key tasks and projects the group will work on over the next fiscal year. Indicate if the task should be completed this year or is ongoing project.
1. Committee members will share past IMSA experience and institutional knowledge with current IMSA leadership.
2. The committee will act as a sounding board for questions that come up on the International Board level.
3. Committee members will serve as mentors to current and future Section and International leadership.
Desired Outcome: The outcome would be based off the team/group tasks/projects and what they have completed.
The committee will provide past experience and institutional knowledge to current IMSA Board of Directors, International Staff and serve as mentors to current and future volunteer leaders.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA
International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting on an as needed basis.

Group Composition:
• Chair
• Chair-Elect
• General Members (4)

Term Length / Limits:
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st
• Chair: One-year
• Chair-Elect: One-year as Chair-Elect and one year as Chair.
• General Members (4): Three-year term limits with option to renew.

Time Commitment: (Weekly, Monthly)
• Meet quarterly with additional meetings on an as needed basis.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Volunteers Services/Section Relations Coordinator
• Board of Directors President

• Zoom

Scholarship Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to review the scholarship applications and determine if the applicants meet the criteria for the scholarship program. The committee will make recommendations to the Board of Directors for the awarding of scholarships including the dollar amount for each scholarship to be awarded.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Review submitted scholarship applications and determine qualification of nominees.
2. Make recommendations to the Board of Directors for scholarships to be awarded and set dollar amounts to be given.
3. Continue to review, revise, and develop criteria for scholarships.

Desired Outcome:
The outcome would be based off the team/group tasks/projects and what they have completed.
• The Scholarship Committee will review scholarship submissions and recommend qualified candidates to the Board of Directors for IMSA scholarships to be awarded.

Leadership Responsibilities:
•Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition: This committee shall consist of all the Past International Presidents and the Immediate Past International Chair of the Board, with the Committee Chair selected each year by the members of the committee at their annual meeting. The Chair of the Committee shall be an Active Member.
• Chair
• Two General Members

Length /Limits:
• Nov 1st–Oct 31st
• Chair – One year
• General Members – Two years

Time Commitment:
• The Scholarship Committee will meet on an as needed basis depending on application submissions.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• President of the Board of Directors

• Zoom

Sustaining Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Sustaining Committee is to represent and advocate on behalf of the IMSA Sustaining Membership. This committee will regularly communicate with IMSA International staff, Board of Directors, Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group, Sustaining Section and other IMSA Sections.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Foster relationships with current, new, and potential Sustaining members.
2. Attend the Annual Meeting at the Annual Expo and Forum and represent the interests of the Sustaining Section at the Council of Delegates meeting.
3. Collaborate with IMSA International staff to assist with sustaining membership goals and initiatives as related to the strategic plan.
4. Work directly with SEAG to assist with Annual Conference initiatives.

Desired Outcome:
• The Sustaining Committee will work with all members of IMSA to foster relationships with current, new, and potential Sustaining members. The Sustaining Committee will advocate on behalf of all Sustaining Members and represent the needs and interests of these members

Group Composition:
• President
• Vice President
• Two General Members

Length /Limits:
• President – Two years
• Vice President – Two years
• General Members – Two years

Time Commitment:
• Attend the Annual Meeting at the Annual Expo and Forum.
• Meet virtual two –three times a year with the COD as needed.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator

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Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Committee

In support of the Association’s mission, dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation, and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry. Vision: To be the leading international resource for information, education, and certification for public safety. The purpose of the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group is to allow the IMSA sustaining exhibitors a chance to work cooperatively with IMSA International. This committee will encourage communication between exhibitors and IMSA as well as enhance and promote the annual exhibition and the annual meeting.

Key Responsibilities/Projects:
1. Act as a resource to the Conference Manager and assist in the development of related activities on all aspects of the Annual Meeting Exhibition. This includes future locations, exhibitor sponsored events and assisting with Vendor Demos on exhibit show floor.
2. Participate on the Technical Session Work Group.
3. Collaborate and work closely with the Sustaining Committee on Annual Conference initiatives.

Desired Outcome:
• The Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group will collaborate with the IMSA International office to develop and plan activities related to the current and future annual exhibition.

Leadership Responsibilities:
• Please note: The Committee Chairs and Representatives to external committees will be responsible for submitting a written report to IMSA International Board of Directors twice a year. The report will be submitted during the mid-winter and annual meetings. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.

Group Composition: Consist of eight members representing sustaining IMSA member exhibitor companies to include: long term, short term, small and large companies and inclusion of all IMSA technology interest areas. The group would elect a chair and vice chair from among its members each year. The Sustaining Committee President would serve as ex-officio member of the group and be eligible to serve on the group when their terms of office has ended.
• Chair
• Vice Chair
• Six General Members

Length /Limits: The maximum term of service on the advisory group would be four years with the initial members appointed for staggering terms so that two members rotated off the work group each year.
• Chair – One year
• Vice Chair – One year
• General Members – Two Years staggered terms

Time Commitment:
• Meet virtually as necessary and would hold an in-person meeting during the annual conference at which time the leadership for the following year would be selected.

IMSA Staff Support and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director

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