Committee Charges
Auditing Committee
The Auditing Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the financial reporting process, the system of internal controls, and the audit/review process. The Committee’s role is one of oversight. IMSA Management is responsible for preparing the Association’s financial statements, and the independent auditors are responsible for auditing or reviewing those financial statements.
Awards Committee
The purpose of the Awards Committee is to assist the Board President and the Executive Director with the selection of all IMSA award recipients.
Budgets Committee
The purpose of the Budget Committee is to oversee the allocation of financial resources and monitor the financial condition of the Association, including the recommended budget as submitted by the Executive Director, the reports and recommendations of the Auditing Committee and the Chairmen of other committees.
By-Laws Committee
The purpose of the By-Laws & Resolution Committee is to review all submitted proposals for any amendments to the By-Laws and make recommendations regarding actions to be taken by the Board and Council of Delegates.
Cable Committee
The purpose of the Cable Committee, in cooperation with cable and wire manufacturers will annually review the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications for purposes of recommending any revisions, additions or deletions to the IMSA Specifications.
Canadian Certification Committee
The purpose of the Canadian Certification Committee is to recommend Canadian subject content for the development and revision of the IMSA training and/or certification courses.
Code of Conduct Committee
The purpose of the Code of Conduct Committee is to administer the procedures of the Code of Conduct Policy on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Council of Delegates Committee
The purpose of the Council of Delegates is to represent IMSA members on the international level. The Council of Delegates represents the Section Voting Members of each IMSA Section.
Educational Advisory Council
The purpose of the Educational Advisory Council is to recommend subject content for the development and revision of the IMSA training and/or certification courses.
IMSA Representatives
The purpose of the IMSA Representatives is to represent IMSA on other associations and government agencies that have similar interests. The actions and policies of these associations and agencies affect the activities of IMSA members through standards and regulations. The IMSA representative speaks on behalf of the Association and its members and reports back to the Board of Directors. For a full list of associations and agencies IMSA appoints representatives please see below under group composition.
Nominating Committee
The purpose of the Nominating & Past Presidents Committee is to screen all eligible candidates who will serve on the Board of Directors and who have satisfied the requirements stipulated in the By–Laws and in the Governance Policy Manual. This committee will provide a list of nominees for election.
Past Presidents Committee
The purpose of the Past Presidents Committee is to provide past International and Section President experience and institutional knowledge to current IMSA Board of Directors and International Staff.
Scholarship Committee
The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to review the scholarship applications and determine if the applicants meet the criteria for the scholarship program. The committee will make recommendations to the Board of Directors for the awarding of scholarships including the dollar amount for each scholarship to be awarded.
Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group Committee
The purpose of the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group is to allow the IMSA sustaining exhibitors a chance to work cooperatively with IMSA International. This committee will encourage communication between exhibitors and IMSA as well as enhance and promote the annual exhibition and the annual meeting.